Tuesday, 8 December 2009

Feeling all a bit Christmassy

Well, for me today is the day when Christmas really starts.

Well technically, it started in the Wright household on Thursday 26th November when me bloody mother decided to ask me to get the decorations down from the loft, then asked to put the tree up, then asked me to follow her as she went round and round putting the lights up...By this time it was 12:30pm (on a school night!) And the outdoor lights went up last weekend. So the whole atmosphere has been around for a while...

But anyway, it started today as our Mock Exam's finished! WHAT A MASSIVE RELEIF OFF OF MY SHOULDERS. But let's not start on what happened in those exams...But I hate it when you get everyone saying they have failed, its gotta be one of the most over-used words in the world of examinations - is there such a thing? But lets be honest, I don't think I done very well...I just got them out of the way. BUT Now I can focus on Christmas =) At the moment i'm listening to my Christmas playlist on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=34E9DEDC43AC48B2) And now mum's just walked through the door, I'm going to talk Ralf for a walk in this bitter weather - Oh I do LOVE the BITTER weather. So, the things at the moment that have the extra Christmassy touch; The cold weather, The outdoor lights, The garland round the banister, The Christmas songs, The beautful Christmas tree in the living room, the 4 advent calendars, The bedroom decorations, The candles round the house, The Bronze Turkey we buy from the Turkey Farm and that's just the start =)

So, non-uniform week starts tomorrow...let's play that by air, and hope for the best with my wardrobe collection in the morning. Oh and I will ony be paying £4 =) As ive got my Great Uncle's funeral on the day when I was planning to go Ice Skating with the school ='( On a positive not...1 week 3 days until we break up!

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

Well Well Well...

I dunno.

I really wanna blog but I look at it and nearly cry. It's too much hard work. Reading. Writing. I've jus come home from school and I look at this. It's all I need. Call me lazy, but bloody hell!

If you really wanna know about me. Watch me on Facebook or even Twitter - as it happens.

Unfortunatly, I use them more than this. In time, I might come on here and spill the beans on my life. I have one follower. I aint that interesting. Well, lets put it this way - The six weeks will be the test. If I get bored, I will blog. If I like it, I will get hooked. If I get hooked, I will keep blogging. =)

Well, lets just quickly say whats happend lately...

~Managed to get a D in German speaking. =/
~Found out today (08-07-09) that I got an A for my coursework, B for my Reading Exam, C for my listening exam and D for the listening - All in German. Oh, and I have Ms. Coyle next year.
~Had exams, and so far my other results consist of Geography. I got an A* in the theory paper and a C in the DME. But managed to get top score in set one =D.
~Sports day was bloody hillarious! Ran, well, when I say ran I mean slowly jogged. Mr Fat Badger counted down, and We set off. I was all smiles as I set off and Everyone passed me as I looked in disbeleif. Now I knew I'd be bad. But not that bad. And the stadium deafened by ear from shouting and cheering, as I past about 4 years later.
~Also, I is very sad at the King of Pop. Got him playing at the mo actually. How sad. I will remember this moment for years. RIP Jackson xxx '58 - '09.


(^launching soon...or maybe never^)

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Boot Sale Preparations...

Well well well, today I have attempted to help with the prepations of tomorrows Dunton Boot Sale...Merr...On me parent's 17th Anniversary...But I have felt like total she-ite. This is embarrasing but, I reduced to tears, after feeling so fed up of feeling ill for so long with this glandular fever....ARGHHHH....

Well, the sunday blues are begining to kick-in, despite the 100% NO SOAP saturday night TV is on, with ITV's 20 greatest adverts.

So, Geography coursework and boot sale ("Bargain's Galore!") tomorrow...wish me luck =)